Saturday 30 April 2011


A common refrain you'll hear from many unpublished writers is, 'Publishers won't accept unsolicited manuscripts from writers - you have to go through an agent.' Which is nonsense, as I've shown in several previous posts.

These would-be paid authors are referring to the submission policies of what are referred to in the States as The Big Six - go HERE, to the very informative Fiction Matters, for a brief overview of The Big Six. And, of course, several large publishers outside the Big Six also maintain no unsolicited manuscripts policies.

However, in among the Big Six there are imprints and editors who WILL consider manuscripts submitted by writers - or unsols as they referred to in the trade.

If you write paranormal fantasy, science fiction and fantasy, horror, mysteries, thrillers, mainstream fiction, women's fiction, children's middle-grade and young adult fiction and want to be published under the umbrella of a Big Six publisher, go HERE.

If you write literary fiction, and want to be published under the umbrella of one of the Big Six, go HERE.

If you want to be published in the States, and do not want to be encumbered with finding an agent, then there are many, many opportunities to do so. If you go to the sidebar you'll see I've created a list of 50 U.S. publishers who will consider unsols. All of the publishers listed handle print editions exclusively or in addition to ebook editions.

Amid the list are several publishers that will only look at material for children and young adults:
Houghton Mifflin (a big publisher); Boyds Mill Press who publish work exclusively for children and young adults and have four distinct imprints; Beacon Press, the large, respected, long established (1854) publishing house based in Boston, will look at fiction that would likely interest young adults (but not general fiction at this time); Chicago based independent, Albert Whitman & Company, founded in 1919, publishes exclusively for children and young adults (from age 2 to age 16); Cobblestone & Cricket also cater exclusively for youngsters and teenagers; Harlequin is another very well-known large publisher who will look at work for teenagers.

Amid the rest of the list you'll find a good mix of genre fiction and general fiction and literary fiction imprints.  This list is the first batch of U.S. publishers who accept submissions from writers. The list will grow, or, perhaps, diminish, over time. So, it could be worthwhile to check back now and then.

There are several U.S. publishers and imprints whom I know of who do accept submissions from writers but which are not listed here currently - this is because they are taking time out in order to deal with a backlog of submissions, or because they are taking time out to re-appraise their situation within a rapidly changing market.

And, please, when submitting your work to any of the publishers listed PLEASE read and follow their guidelines. You know the ropes - but, if you don't, or are unsure, do a little more research before you send your work off.

Wishing you the best of luck with your endeavo(u)rs.


  1. Hi Haarlson,
    Brilliant blog, love it. Will share. Keep up the good work!

  2. great lists!
    Thanks for doing all the heavy lifting!
